Sunday 22 December 2013

Patience Jonathan Warns Media - Don't Use My Name To Divide Nigeria

Don't Use My Name To Divide Nigeria – Patience Jonathan Warns Media

Earlier on Thursday, December 19, This Day newspaper published on its frontpage a report titled "First Lady Threatens PDP Governors Over Tukur."

Commenting the said report, Adesugba stated it made reference to an unnamed source which alleged that the First Lady met with some Governors of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and pressed them to support Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, the PDP National Chairman, to keep his position.

 he stated.

"Nobody should, under any guise, use the name of the First Lady to cause division or discord in the nation as she has committed herself to fasting and praying for the peace and unity of Nigeria."

For the avoidance of doubt, it must be stated clearly that the First Lady has never harangued or threatened anyone, needless to say, serving governors," 

The spokesperson reminded that of the Patience Jonathan's efforts towards a peaceful nation, saying that last Tuesday she led a National Women Fasting and Prayer for Peace and Unity in Nigeria event in Abuja.

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