Thursday 5 December 2013

Okotie Replies Catholics

Nigeria’s controversial cleric and pastor of the Household of God Church, Reverend Chris Okotie, on Tuesday, said he stood by his sermon last Sunday that Catholics will go to hell because they worship Satan and are led by an anti-Christ Pope who is friend to the devil.

Okotie had come under attacks by millions of Christians and Catholics who expressed outrage against the famous preacher for making the controversial statement.

But instead of apologising, Okotie replied critics on his Facebook page and twitter handle with one phrase: “Re- Catholicism: Truth is bitter. It lacks saccharine delights.”

Fifty-five year old Okotie, while preaching in his Household of God Church in Ikeja area of Lagos, western Nigeria, had said that the Catholic church is “a counterfeit church set up by Satan” and that Catholics “bow to idols and crucify Jesus every Sunday when they eat bread claiming they are eating Jesus’ body.”

“They are not Christians and have never been,” Okotie told a stunned congregation.

“They don’t know Jesus. They believe that when they eat bread on Sundays, they are eating the body of Jesus. It’s ritual,” Okotie said.

He said Pope Francis is an Anti-Christ who does the job of the devil and that time is fast approaching when the Catholic church will pledge allegiance to Satan.

“The pope is an Anti-Christ and the Catholic church will soon declare for Satan. This is the end of times,” Okotie erupted.

Since the comment was made, Okotie has received knocks from within and outside Nigeria.

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